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Collective Worship

Collective Worship is integral to the ethos of our school. As a school with strong Christian foundations we value this special time daily, when we come together to explore, discuss and reflect on Christian faith.

Our collective worship not only focusses on key Christian festivals such as Christmas, Easter and Lent, but children also have an opportunity to think about significant festivals and events of other religions (i.e. Divali, Hannukah) and when possible hear from leaders of other faiths.

We enjoy a close relationship with St Nicholas Church, with the vicar leading regular acts of worship. We also hold school services at St Nicholas Church.

Our themes are based on a variety of appropriate resources, including those produced by the  Oxford Diocese with the aim of supporting children to understand the Christian values of the school whilst encouraging them to develop their own thoughts around Christian faith and understanding of other faiths.

St Nicholas Church, Hurst

We have a two-year rolling programme for Collective Worship which follows themes as in Roots and Fruits from Imaginor.  We start the term with an overview of the theme and each week Collective Worship explores a different area within each theme.  The children have linked follow-up activities which they share and discuss in Candle Time in class Collective Worship.  These are shared on class Thinking Tables, books and displays within the classroom.

Year A

Autumn 1 Generosity Celebrating Harvest

Autumn 2 Compassion Celebrating Christmas

Spring 1 Courage Celebrating Candlemas

Spring 2 Forgiveness Celebrating Lent & Easter

Summer 1 Friendship Celebrating Pentecost

Summer 2 Respect Celebrating Trinity


Year B 

Autumn 1 Thankfulness Celebrating Harvest

Autumn 2 Trust Celebrating Advent

Spring 1 Perseverance Celebrating Epiphany

Spring 2 Justice Celebrating Lent & Easter

Summer 1 Service Celebrating Pentecost

Summer 2 Truthfulness Celebrating Trinity



Useful Links:

Oxford Diocesan - 

Church of England Education Office -

St Nicholas Church -