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The Keys Academy Trust Governance

St Nicholas CE Primary School joined The Keys Academy Trust on 1st September 2019.


The Keys Academy Trust (TKAT) is structured with three layers of governance:

  1. The Members
  2. The Board of Trustees
  3. Local Governors who make up the Local Governing Body for each of the academies within the Trust.

The Members

The members are accountable to the Department of Education (DfE) and have ultimate responsibility for the Trust achieving its charitable objectives. Members are independent of the Trustees and provide challenge and scrutiny to the Trustees.


The Board of Trustees has three core functions:

  1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic directions
  2. Holding the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to account for the educational performance of the Trust schools and their pupils, and the performance management of staff.
  3. Overseeing the financial performance of the schools and making sure the Trusts money is well spent. The

Trustees are accountable to the Members and report to them formally at the Annual General Meeting.

Local Governing Bodies

Each school with The Keys has its own local governing body (LGB) which is a committee of the Board of Trustees. Local governing bodies have governance functions delegated to them by the Trust Board for their school and they are accountable to the Board.